A Drummer's Testament

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Chapter III-15:  How Girls Grow Up in the Villages

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Girls' work in the villages:  grinding, sheanuts, harvesting; household training; festival markets; early courtship patterns

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Supplementary material


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Contents outline and links by paragraph


Girls' early training

The work of shea nuts

Harvesting groundnuts

How the harvesting work helps families to raise the girls

How young girls attend the festival markets

How the village boys and girls befriend one another at the festival markets

Friendships and early gender relations

Training for marriage

Village girls and town girls

Women who train girls

Preparing for marriage


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Proverbs and Sayings

The town sense is:  “What am I going to do to get money and spend it?”

It is in the work that the village children do that they get their sense.

Everything needs showing.

If you don't ask your dog to catch something, it won't go and catch it.

On the part of farming, villagers don't fear cheating.

Of all the people who are doing work, it is the farmer who has the most blessings.

The day you show that someone is cheating you is the day you will no longer benefit from that person.

Their leader is not anybody apart from the one whose eyes are open.

In some places, it is only the eyes that will talk talks.

Whenever you see a young girl's breasts coming out, young boys will be looking at her.

A girl will not be anywhere and a boy will not also be there.

An old talk does not finish.

It is the woman who covers the secrets of the man.

It is because of strangers that somebody has a wife.

A woman doesn't show her daughter or granddaughter many talks; it is a different woman who will show the child.

A woman hasn't got time to sit the way a man will sit.

A woman's teaching is on the part of work, not on the part of old talks.

A small goat looks at its mother's mouth and eats.

If a fish is dried and you want to bend it, it will break.

If God has not made somebody, and you say you are going to make the person, it won't stand.

The sharing of children is what your heart wants. It is not a debt.

Our old Dagbamba say that it is because of suffering that a child will not grow fast.

The villagers train their children with suffering.

Suffering doesn't kill a person.

Everybody has his luck.

If you are going to choose a man, and you don't cool yourself, you will choose a man and it won't be daybreak and you and the man will leave one another.

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