A Drummer's Testament

drummers <Home page>

Chapter I-13:  How We Make Our Drums and Gungons

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Craft aspects of drumming; how drums are carved; ritual obligations of drum-makers; how drums are sewn; types of skins used; varying quality of drums and skins; how drum-sticks are made; how guŋgɔŋs are made and sewn

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Supplementary material


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Contents outline and links by paragraph


Luŋa in Dagbon and Asante

Dangers of carving drums

Cutting trees and carving drums

Preparing the wood

Preparing the skin

Sewing the skin

Lacing the heads

Variations among drums

The drumstick

Sewing guŋgɔŋ


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Proverbs and Sayings

If you are at something today, tomorrow, and the next day, you will know what is in it.

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Dagbani words and other search terms