A Drummer's Testament

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Chapter II-14:  The Pre-colonial and Colonial Periods

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The old princes and new princes war for Karaga; Naa Yakuba's madness; Naa Abilaai and the Bassari war; Naa Andani:  the Zambarima wars, the Kumbungu war, the German conquest and victory at Adibo; Tugulana Iddi, Kari-Naa Abukari and civil war; Naa Alaasani; the coming of the British; reunification of Dagbon; colonial rule under the British

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Supplementary material

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Contents outline and links by paragraph


Separate sides of Dagbon

Chieftaincy and fighting

The Karaga war, or the old prince and new prince war

Naa Yakuba's madness

Naa Abilaai and Naa Andani:  Bassari and Zambarima wars

Naa Andani:  the Kumbungu war

Naa Andani:  the coming of the white men

Naa Alaasani:  Tuglana Iddi, Kari-Naa Abukari, and the Germans

Kari-Naa Abukari and Naa Alaasani

Naa Abudu:  reunification of Dagbon under British

Benefits of British rule

Problems after independence

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Proverbs and Sayings

Dagbamba people say that if you arrange with somebody before it is time, if you wink your eyes, the fellow will know what you mean.

The chieftaincy a chief died with, that is the chieftaincy we use to call him.

Yaa-Naa regards Kumbun-Naa as his bilaa, his slave.

if Yendi falls, a grandson can interfere.

It is standing that if Yaa-Naa ties war, Kari-Naa has to be behind him.

He, Naa Andani, and alizini people could not sit at the same place.  And he and red monkeys could not sit and greet one another.

In Dagbon, we fear the mouth of a dead person.  Whatever he said and died, if you refuse it, you will get trouble.

Our chiefs have got strong hearts that can kill them.

We don't count him into Yaa-Naas because he saw the war coming and he ran away.

A wicked man's trap catches his own child.

What he would do and it would eat him, that is what he did.

What you sow is what you harvest.

What is coming is not going back.

They made our roads to be large ones, and they made the roads that were long become short.

The time when God creates you, and you are in that time, you don't call it a bad generation.

The old people say that you shouldn't blame the current generation:  you should pray for them.

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Dagbani words and other search terms
