A Drummer's Testament

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Chapter III-1:  Farming in Dagbon

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The origins of farming in Dagbon; farming and the family; the sweetness of farming work; market-day farming and group farming

Supplementary material


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Contents outline and links by paragraph


Farming in olden days and modern days

Farming and children shared from one's siblings

How children learn farming

Market-day farming

Group farming

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Proverbs and Sayings

Talks enter one another.

What is coming is not something that is going back.

For us Dagbamba, there is nothing stronger than farming, and there is nothing sweeter than farming.

He should be closing the gate of his grandmother.

You say:  The children should go and be fetching water for them in the farm.

And so farming, for those who hear truth, it had got profit.

As for children, their only medicine is food.

If a person doesn't want something, and you tell him to do it, as he doesn't want it, the work he will do for you is the work you also don't want.

But if someone wants something, he will do it and you will know that he wants it.

Farming has no showing.

The market-day farming is white-heart work.

If your friend kills a hen and cuts your share for you, you should know that your hen in the house is also roaming with a broken leg.

It is friendship and liking which bring the market-day farming.

You can know that someone is cheating you and you will also be benefiting from that person.

If you come to know that we are cheating you, you will not get what you want from us.

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